
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ten on Tuesday - April 17

1.  I'm well into Project Life now.  Playing catchup on 14 weeks is no joke, either.  I'll do another post to tell more about that and some of the lessons I've learned.

2.  One thing I've decided to work on to help with Project Life is to edit my photos on my phone rather than trying to edit them in PSE.  So I've been looking into some new iPhone and iPad apps for editing.  My new iPhone app I'm loving is Photogene2, and TouchRetouchHD on the iPad is like magic!

3.  I bit the bullet and ordered that purse I mentioned a few weeks ago.  I love/hate how big it is.  I love that I can carry my iPad with no problem, but hate that there's room for me to throw all kinds of other stuff into it as well.  So far I'm doing fairly well at taking things out in a timely fashion.  Though I did end up carrying Lincoln's alphaberry around for almost a week at one point.  And one day I walked out the door with his LeapPad as well.  Noticing a trend?

4.  I'm thinking about writing a Manifesto.  I guess they were all the rage this year instead of resolutions?  I decided not to do resolutions this year, so I didn't even notice.  But now I'm kind of liking the idea.  Did anyone write one?

5.  Looking for book or movie suggestions?  Check out the comments on this post over at I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar.  She asked for favorite books and movies and worst movies, and her readers delivered.

6.  Mason (7.5 months) is currently cutting teeth, so he wants to be gnawing on something At All Times.  I've never been a fan of the Gerber teething biscuits (WAY too messy), so I was excited to try this homemade recipe when I came across it on (where else?) Pinterest.  And it's awesome.  I recommend it.

7.  I kind of want to get my handwriting made into a font, but I want a cursive/script font, which tends to cost more.  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking something in the $30 range. 

8.  I saw this on Pinterest the other day (it doesn't have an original source to credit, so if you know it, please share!).  It's funny because it's true.  I've been saying this since Halloween.


9.  I'm adding a new motto to A Place for Everything, and Everything in Its Place.  The new motto is When in Doubt, Throw It Out.

10.  I tried that refrigerator oatmeal this morning, and I have to say it has potential.  But the banana peanut butter was not the greatest combo.  Maybe it was just the proportions.  Anyone tried any other refrigerator oatmeal recipes?

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