
Monday, October 22, 2012

Project Life Weeks 33 - 36

Pictures this post are kind of gnarly.  I missed my prime light and tried to make do.  Lesson learned.

Week 33 Full Spread.
(click photos to enlarge)

Week 33 Left Side.  Mostly pictures and journaling.  PicFrame collages at the bottom.  Labels are added using Phonto.

Week 33 Right Side.  More picture collages and journaling.  I'm not sure what's missing in the upper right; I'll have to hunt that down.  I'm planning to add some labels to a few of the pictures.

Week 34 Full Spread.

Week 34 Left Side.  Pictures and journaling.  I think that's my default.  Project Life at its most basic.  (Stay tuned for more info on the One Line A Day journal.)

Week 34 Right Side.  Our trip to the zoo!  Exclusively pictures, as I didn't think explanations were necessary.  Why so many pictures of the orangutan, you wonder?  Look closely to see Baby Orangutan.  Precious!

 Week 35 Full Spread.

Week 35 Left Side.  I'm missing a bunch of journaling here.  I made the Neil Armstrong journaling card in Word.

Week 35 Right Side.  Collage overload!  We visited my parents in Boston, so I had a TON of pictures that I wanted to include.  It was a weekend trip, so rather than doing an insert, I dedicated the entire second page of week 35 and the entire first page of week 36 to documenting the trip.

 Week 36 Full Spread.

Week 36 Left Side.  Second half of our Boston pics.

Week 36 Right Side.  Lincoln climbed in the crib and fell asleep with Mason the first night back in town.  Then he did the same thing a few days later, so I put those pics side-by-side.  Mr. Independent wanted to cut his hair "all by myself."  I let that go long enough to get a picture and then I took over.  In the upper right, Lincoln was showing me how to lick a beater, so you know I had to get a picture of THAT.

Thanks for looking!  I think I might be caught up enough to start sharing one week at a time!  Woo-hoo!  And you can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.) 


  1. Such great pages ! I really loved the journalling card with the drawing of the clippers it looked so cute and really pulled the story and the pictures together.

  2. I too am looking forward to Mason coming to Nursery in February, snicker!!

    1. Dawn, at least you won't have to go without a Williams boy for too long. :)

  3. Beautiful layouts! Love all the photo collages.

  4. Lovely! The photos of your bubba standing up next to the couch are just so adorable.
    Ronnie xo
