
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Project Life Weeks 41 - 44

I am still loving Project Life and excitedly planning my 2013 album.  I'm finally caught up on my 2012 album (yay!!), but I've accepted that I'll probably post multiple weeks for the rest of the year rather than posting weekly.

Week 41 Full Spread.
(click photos to enlarge)

Week 41 Left Side.  Pictures and journaling.  I think that's my niche.  I might give up on trying to include ephemera altogether.  And how cute is that picture (bottom right) of the boys playing our iPads?!  I cropped the Small House print from a horizontal print I found here.

Week 41 Right Side.  I was disappointed with the blurry picture (in the upper-right) at first, but as I looked at it, I liked how it represents how Lincoln is always on the go.  I need to redo the This is the Life card.  I printed it from Word, but the yellow was too light, so I tried filling it in a little.  It's a little less artistic and more ugly than I was going for, though.

Week 42 Full Spread.

Week 42 Left Side.  That picture of Mason makes me so sad.  He chipped his teeth in the tub and I couldn't get him to hold still long enough to see how bad it was, so I tried snapping a picture.  And then that was the only picture I could get that week of those chipped teeth, so I included the picture even though it reminds me how awful I felt.

Week 42 Right Side.  Lincoln LOVED Tate Farms.  He would play in the corn bins all day if we let him.  When we got home, he pulled a whole handful of corn kernels from his pockets where they'd gotten stuck while he played.  So I used glue dots to include a few.

Week 43 Full Spread.

Week 43 Left Side. I think I might reprint the filler prints.  I printed a whole bunch when I first decided to start Project Life, but as I've tried to use them, they're smaller than I realized and the color isn't as vibrant from my printer as I would like.  For reference, you can find them here and here.

Week 43 Right Side.  The green card is a work in progress that I'll share when I get it finished.  The Becoming What We Want to Be print is found here.

Week 44 Full Spread.

Week 44 Left Side.  Please excuse the blank spots; this page is still in progress.  The week was actually pretty uneventful, which is why Halloween gets more than half the spread. The Eye Chart Halloween print is found here.  I googled the satellite image of Sandy, and included the front page of the New York Times, which I found here at newseum.

Week 44 Right Side.  I blogged about Halloween here.  Other than that, I included the I Heart Halloween print I found here and the Assemble the Avengers image I found here.  I saw a cute idea to include some of the material from a homemade costume, but that was 2 days after I threw away the scraps from Mason's hulk costume (typical!).  So I included some glitter paper that's the same(ish) color instead.

Thanks for looking!  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :) I just made it public and I am happy that someone looked at it - lol. I scan a lot of stuff to include in their digital school albums so I tossed it in PL this week too.

    Your pages are so cute - I love how you are not stuck on adding the week or the date in the top left corner. I am not sure why I do that for all my pages but I like your random placement better.

    1. Thanks so much! I've been trying to be flexible with the date placement, so I appreciate that you noticed. :)

  3. So many great spreads! Sorry about your son's chipped tooth :-( I love all the cards you used, like "This is the life" and "What I love most about my home is who I share it with." Great photos too!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! It was SO sad, and I kind of freaked out, but actually he's totally fine, and now it's just one of those things.

  4. I love all your pages, and all the little extra things you include.
    I'm excited about 2013 too...cant wait to get my kit and set up my album.

    1. Thanks, Tamara! This is my first year doing it, so it's taken most of the year to get my groove. I'm excited to have a clean slate and a clearer idea of what works for me in 2013.

  5. I cringed when I saw the picture and read the story of the chipped tooth! I think my youngest is around the same age as your youngest (he turned one on 10/18) so it made me even more sad :(. Glad he's doing better.

    1. Thanks, Heather! He really is 100%. I was so afraid the chipped teeth would mar him permanently, but they just add some personality to his happy smile. :) So I've decided to just embrace that his baby teeth are his baby teeth and now reflect that the kid is fearless and resilient. :) Maybe I should add an update on that in my album, since the only mention is the week it happened when I freaked out...

  6. Love all the inserts and journal cards you used.
    Sorry about your baby's chipped tooth. My youngest chipped his about a year ago and I remember how terrible I felt for him.

    1. Thanks, Cerise! Isn't it awful? I'm just grateful it didn't abscess or anything.

  7. There are SO MANY great things about your pages.
    I especially ♥ the green glitter card on your Halloween page.
    I also like how you included the front page of the New York Times...great idea!
    Sorry about Mason's chipped teeth. I hope he's OK.
    Just think that years from now you'll be able to look back at this pic and laugh when he has perfectly straight grown up teeth! :)

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I appreciate all your kind words. Ha! It's true that one day he'll have straight grown-up teeth. I just have to love his crooked chipped baby teeth for now. :)

  8. I like your style - simple and clean and not too many embellishments.
    I too am posting multiple weeks in the one post in an attempt to catch up! (And you are way ahead of me...hehe)
    Ronnie xo

    1. Thanks, Ronnie! It's taken me the whole year, but I think I've hit my style stride for this Project Life thing. :) Good luck with your catch-up! I think you're doing a great job!
