
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Project Life Weeks 45 - 48

I can't believe there's only 4 weeks left to post this year.  It has seriously flown past, and I LOVE that I have this beautiful album to document it.

Week 45 Full Spread.
 (click photos to enlarge)

Week 45 left Side.  Election week! I redacted my opinions on the results. Other than that, pictures and journaling, as usual.  I'm making a special effort to include more b&w photos, and I love the one of Link and me.  I was up on the bed with my iPad, and he hopped up and wanted to sit right next to me with Tyler's iPad propped the same way.  And yeah, that's Lincoln in his Spider-man costume in the car one morning.  He wore it to the babysitter's.

Week 45 Right Side.  We had family pictures taken on Saturday of that week, and since it was a fairly picture-light week, I decided to dedicate one full page to the session.  (If you're local to Huntsville, I know a great photographer to recommend!)

Week 46 Full Spread.

Week 46 Left Side.  Love the pic of Lincoln sitting on my lap playing Tyler's iPad.  This is the kid who used to be the anti-snuggler, but now that Mason's taking some attention, he wants to be on your lap 24/7.  I love it.  Tyler sent me that text of his run with the screenshot from his phone.  I love technology.  I got the Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam print here, and the idea for the verb card (which I need to print out again now that I've replaced the ink cartridge) from my PL idol, Catherine Davis at DesignEditor (who was just chosen to be part of the 2013 Project Life Creative Team!).

Week 46 Right Side.  B&W of my PL album in action, an idea I got from Ali Edwards.  Candy Cane kisses are my second-favorite seasonal candy.  I need to reprint the Spiderman to the Rescue! card, too, because it's supposed to be red rather than pink.  And I need to add a note on my notes from Stake Conference.  The hi-hello filler card is from Miss Tina.  I might change that one out, though, because there's too much white going on here...

Week 47 Full Spread.

Week 47 Left Side. I think I'm going to swap the two bottom cards.  Does anyone else do that?  Finish a spread but then change your mind once you see a picture of it?  I love the sequence shot of Lincoln jumping in the leaves.  It's incredible to me that I captured that with my iPhone, but I did.  The trick is the QuickPix app - fantastic for action shots.  And then PicFrame, of course, for the collage.

Week 47 Right Side.  I included the recipe for that incredible banana pudding behind the picture.  And my in-laws look forward to my Sloppy Sweet Potato Pie every year, so I figured it was good to include that recipe as well (which I got here).  And I got the Thanksgiving Subway art here.  I bit the bullet and cut Tyler's race bib, and I like the effect of the bold letters on the spread.  And PicFrame for the after photos.  (And if you read the journaling about the Skinny Turkey and are wondering why it's funny that I won the Chardonnay, it's because we don't drink.  So I needed the pic for posterity.)

Week 48 Full Spread.

Week 48 Left Side.  This is another page I think I need to rearrange.  I had an empty spot, so I included that scallop art project I worked on.  I was inspired by one I saw here, and thought I'd give it a shot.  And I think I need to switch out that confetti filler card - too much white in a row.

Week 47 Right Side.  Cadbury mini eggs are my #1 favorite seasonal candy, so imagine my delight that they have a Christmas version!  I tried more journaling on the pictures this week, and I'm not sure that I'm a fan.  Maybe the sharpie paint marker just doesn't have a fine enough tip?  But really - NEGOTI8?  I thought only caricatures in rom-coms had vanity plates like that.  And please excuse the blank spot - I keep forgetting to get a picture from Tyler's phone.

Thanks for looking!  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)   


  1. That bit about how much your husband has run this year was a great idea - I think I might include some of my husband's run maps, too. Thanks for the inpsiration!

  2. Love how you include so many little details on your pages (the cadbury chocolates, race bib, sticker art etc). I change my layouts around a lot after I see them fully done - for me it is easy as I am digital :)

  3. Eh. I kinda like the writing ON the pictures. And I am seriously soooooo impressed you have kept up with this! It will be lovely for you when you look back years later :)

  4. All such great pages. Wonderful family photos.

  5. Great layouts! I love how you are tracking your overall running distance. Is that an app or something you looked up?

  6. Beautiful pages! I like how you have all your journaling typed o. White paper, it gives a graphic look. Thanks for sharing

  7. Kelli! We loved your Christmas card and I'm senile - did we send you one? I thought I remember writing down your address, but I don't remember - if I didn't, let me know and we'll send you one!
    It's fun to check your blog once in a while! Love to you!
