
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Project Life Weeks 49 - 52

How am I already 6 weeks behind on posting?!  At least I'm only 2 weeks behind on the album...

The pictures are pretty awful today because I decided just to take them last night after we put the kids to bed rather than waiting until I can find some time one morning.  If I waited for optimum light, it would probably be another 6 weeks before posting, and I'd rather close the book (ha! no pun intended) on my 2012 album and get in gear for 2013!

Week 49 Full Spread.
(click photos to enlarge)

Week 49 Left Side.  Pictures and journaling, as usual.  The picture of Mason is a selfie.  If you're curious, my passport arrived in plenty of time.  :)

Week 49 Right Side.  Pictures and journaling.  I saved the "Do Not Touch" sign from the nativity display.  The Christmas festival was that weekend, and I just put all the pics from Fri, Sat, and Sun with this week.

Week 50 Full Spread.

Week 50 Left Side.  I took a picture of Mason's prescription rather than a sicky Mason this time.  The Joy to the World printable can be found here.

Week 50 Right Side.  I got the front page of The Bulletin here at newseum and included the journaling I put in my journal.  I think I'm going to add a list of the victims behind the journaling.  Other than that, we attended my BIL's graduation and met Santa on Saturday.  And Lincoln took a picture of me while I was driving that I needed to include.

 Week 51 Full Spread.

Week 51 Left Side.  We celebrated Tyler's 34th birthday on Sunday.  And this is the first year we actually sent out Christmas cards.  In 5 years of marriage!  I think doing PL this year has helped me a lot with the organization and follow-through on paper/photo projects.  For instance, I knew right where to get the Christmas card template - Becky Higgins, of course!

Week 51 Right Side.  I'm loving the infographic trend and decided to make one for our Christmas newsletter.  I did the entire thing in Word rather than trying to organize that many layers in PSE.  We also celebrated our anniversary and ran 8 miles that weekend.

Week 52 Full Spread.

Week 52 Left Side.  My parents visited this week, and it was a fun low-key week hanging out with family.  Christmas was wonderful, though Tyler got sick.  There was a stomach bug going around at my in-law's house, and I think everyone but Mason, Lincoln, and me got it.

Week 52 Right Side.  Please excuse the blank spots; I have a plan.  Kind of.  I journaled some on this side about Tyler getting sick and included some more Christmas pics.  The Christmas printable can be found here.

2012 Album Final Page.  I kept a list of all the books I read this year, and I wanted to include it in the album.  That pretty much inspired the theme of the page.  Fun fact, getting that picture with the boys was impossible.  Literally.  It never happened.  I used photomerge in PSE to merge two pictures.  If you look closely at Tyler's shirt, you can see that there are 2 rings for the middle quidditch post (the shirt should look like this), which is the only noticeable quirk in the merge.  Other than that, pretty slick.

Thanks for looking!  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)   


  1. OH MY GOSH! There are SO many things about your spreads that are just SO RIGHT! I hope you don't mind that I'm over here loading up on ideas to steal for my own album :)

    An infographic family newsletter? GENIUS! Your final/year in review page? SO AWESOME! The simple "Joy to the World" over a world map? LOVE IT! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how you documented your running. I am a big runner, but after having my most recent baby and getting so busy with life I haven't had a chance to run in like, 5 months! I can't wait to get started with it again, and I am going to aim to record my workouts in my PL album (I already record them elsewhere...just need to migrate them over to PL).

  2. I like your last page, year in review thing :) And I kinda love your Christmas wreath.

  3. OMGosh! I LOVE your year in review! That is so awesome! I need to do this for 2013 - already finished 2012.... :(

  4. Such wonderful pages! I LOVE your end page. What a great way to end the book!

  5. I to LOVE your wrap up page. Those numbers are wonderful. I have yet to finish 2012, so I am going to copy! Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. What a great way to close your album, love it! I'm still behind on 2012. Due to terrible morning sickness that set in during October and November. I usually catch up on the summer months in October and then continue on keeping up, but not so this last year. Sure hope I can get it done before baby arrives in June LOL!
