
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Project Life | Week 20

Happy (Belated) Memorial Day!  I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.  You may remember I mentioned a few weeks ago that I cut my hours at work and stopped working Fridays, so I thoroughly enjoyed my long 4-day weekend!  The big event of the weekend was running in a 10k yesterday.  And one of the coolest things about the opening ceremonies for it was that a WWII vet led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  I'm so grateful for those who have served our country and those who continue to serve today.  

Now, on to Project Life!

Full Spread.

Left Side.  This week is kind of tech week.  On this side, I show off the amazing new phone case that Tyler got me for Mother's Day.  I approved the idea of a collage case, and the rest of it was all his own work.  I bet you all wish your husbands were as creatively capable as mine.  :)  And I also finally broke out my Silhouette Portrait this week!  I won a giveaway back in March (!!), and it took a few weeks to get here and then another week or two for me to find time to sit down and figure out the software.  And it's awesome.  The font I used for "hello" is Xiomara.  And I finished off this side with some fun Mason pics and words.  He's fully in the babbling stage, and it's fun as we can identify more and more words that he uses consistently.

Right Side.  More tech week.  I broke out my new Canon Rebel and finally figured out the eye-fi card I ordered on woot a few weeks ago.  It's awesome.  Now when I take pictures with the big camera, it automatically uploads them from the card to my computer.  Sweet!  And yeah, I superglued my fingers together.  Soaking it in acetone works as well as advertised. 

Thanks for looking!  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)


  1. Great pages! I'm jealous of your silhouette! I think I could spend too many hours playing with one. :) So fun that you won it! I must research this "eye-fi" thing... how awesome would it be to have my big camera photos automatically download!? Thanks for that tip! :)

  2. Looking great! I love that font you used for the 'hello.' I am glad you broke out your machine! I hope you have fun with it. I've recently found a gold mine of freebie shapes for it. I'll probably do a post about them sometime down the line. That eye-fi card sounds super awesome too!

  3. Great pages and great pictures. I love your Mother's Day gift! So cool. I will have to look into the Eye-Fi card. That sounds really cool.

  4. Congrats on running a 10k! That's so cool! What a great phone case, that must have been so fun to receive. And I love your "Masonspeak" card. The superglue pic cracked me up because we PLers are all the same - something goes wrong and before we reach for the solution (ie googling to find out how to un-superglue your fingers…) we reach for the camera!
