
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Project Life Weeks 1 - 4

Before I show off my first few weeks, I just want to remind everybody that I didn't decide to do Project Life until the last week in March.  Luckily, I had decided to start a Line-A-Day journal document about half-way through January.  That helped a lot to help me flesh out the first 1/4 of the year.  But all the pictures these first several weeks are luck-of-the-draw from what I happened to have taken a picture of.  Or occasionally that I could take a picture of later.  And since I've been working on several weeks at once, there are still some finishing touches to add.

So, without further equivocation...

Week 1 Full Spread.

Week 1 Left Side.  Nothing really exciting here.  I liked the idea of including a calendar on the week Title card, so I've done that for the first 4 weeks so far.  I haven't finished the card in the upper right-hand corner yet, but it's some journaling and a well-after-the-fact picture.  
I used two free printables on this page.  The New Years subway art is from Eighteen25 and can be found here.  The "Life is to be Enjoyed" quote (which you can hardly see.  sorry.) is found here


Week 1 Right Side.  I included some manifestos this week to take up space.  That was another well-after-the-fact issue.  I didn't make any official resolutions this year, but I came across the idea of manifestos in April and really liked it, so I decided to include them in this week's spread.  The Manifesto for Mums can be found here.  The Lilmagoolie print is found here.  And I may or may not have "borrowed" Aileen's manifesto that she shared here.

 Week 2 Full Spread.

Week 2 Left Side.  I was having a tough time deciding what to include for this week, but luckily I spent the majority of this week working on this Gospel ABC quiet book, so I just decided to include it.  I emailed the pictures from the computer to myself so that I could save them to my phone.  Then I used PicFrame to create a collage.  PicFrame doesn't have an 8-frame collage, so I made several 3x4 4-frame collages and then put those together into a 2-frame 4x6 (I hope that makes sense).
I still need to finish the nail polish card and add journaling to the mailbox card. 

Week 2 Right Side.  We would put the boys on the bed and turn on cartoons while we got ready in the morning, so this what a pretty typical scene.  In the picture below that, Lincoln was showing off his gloves, but he looks pretty gangsta. I had to include that screenshot from ParentsShouldn'tText.  Tyler and I use acronyms all the time.  I don't have an original source on the Kurt Vonnegut quote, but here's my pin.  I love this quote because I do this all the time.  I take a minute to appreciate that life is good.

Week 3 Full Spread.  

Week 3 Left Side.  I still need to add some embellishments to the journaling cards.  I'm kind of addicted to Diet Mt. Dew and I took a picture of it at work to experiment with some new photo editing apps, so it seemed apropos to include it.  I decided to include the books I read this year, but I might revise that as the year goes on.  I have read a LOT of books so far (27 and counting), and I'm not sure I want to dedicate so much space to it.  So I might switch and only include the 5-star reads.  The printables on this page are the rainbow Polaroid and Make Today Ridiculously Amazing (not a free print).

Week 3 Right Side.  I love the picture of "The Boys."  I added all of the captions in Phonto.  It's a free app (I bought the in-app ad-free purchase just to support the developers), and it is awesome.  You can add your own fonts, but I've been happy with the available fonts so far.  The TRUE STORY stamp at the very bottom is one I ordered from VistaPrint.  I created the digital file (in Phonto!) to upload and order a custom self-inking stamp.  (I had some Living Social credit I needed to use up quickly.) The Ferris Bueller quote is from

Week 4 Full Spread.

Week 4 Left Side.  You can see I got a lot better about taking pictures.  Also I still need to add journaling on a few.  I got the CDO/OCD image here.  It's a quote Tyler and I have loved for years now.  The "Thanks for putting up with me" card is here.

Week 4 Right Side.  Still need to add some embellishments and journaling.  This was the first day of Lincoln's birthday weekend.  The birthday subway art is from Eighteen25 here.

Sorry the picture quality still isn't very amazing.  Next week I'll try to remember to take pictures before the sun goes down.

Thanks for looking!

I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here


  1. Absolutely wonderful pages!! You've given me so many ideas of stuff to include in future pages. I like the manifestos in week 1!

  2. Fun pages! I love that you included the Gospel Quiet Book that you worked on. I love documenting the projects too, not just the events. Great pages!

  3. So you do a page (or two) for every week? Good for you. I am backed up years on my scrapbooking right now... My blog counts, right? :)

  4. I ♥ how you incorporated the ABC quiet book.
    What a great way to document crafts we work on that take our time!
