
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Project Life Weeks 5 - 8

***Disclaimer!  I didn't decide to do Project Life until the last week in March.  So all these pages are pieced together from my line-a-day journal, emails, and blog posts.  And since I've been working on several weeks at once, there are still some finishing touches to add.  Now without further ado...

I'm sorry for the low-res pictures this week.  I guess I used the wrong camera app?  I have about 15.  It's a sickness, really.

Week 5.

Week 5 Left Side.  The collage of pics in the upper right goes with the list in the upper left of the adjacent page.  Tyler and I spent about 2 hours updating our blog with a list of top ten events from 2011, and I decided to include those in this album.
We had Lincoln's birthday cake with his cousins on Sunday (remember his birthday was Saturday?).  I think next year I might switch to Mon-Sun so that weekends aren't split like this.  Do you love Lincoln's monster truck cake as much as I do?  I blogged about it here.
And I included a printable that I made this week, which you can snag here (it's at the bottom of the post).

Week 5 Right Side.  Friday of this week was my birthday.  The cake card is from Tiny Prints.  They had a special where new customers could order 3 free samples, so I of course picked ones I could cut down and use in my PL album. 
The bottom center is a "Current Obsession" card about a charm bracelet project I was working on.  I think I might need to do more of those.  I get on these kicks where I absolutely MUST do some craft or project immediately.  Then it fizzles after a few weeks and (more than) a few dollars.
I also included a Papa Murphy's ad (we ate there practically once a week at that point). 

Week 6. 

Week 6 Left Side.  This is the first week I use these fantastic week circles from September Blue.  
My SIL and I have birthdays one day apart (I'm older), so we shared a birthday cake.  And I made her an "Only an Aunt" printable to frame with a picture of her niece and nephews (I shared that here).  
In the bottom right corner, I journaled about trying to teach Lincoln how to play Red Light - Green Light, so I put a stoplight on the card.  I really like how that one came together.

Week 6 Right Side.  This is a pretty boring page.  There's journaling (that you can't see) on the red washi tape about giving blood.
My friend Natalie (who I talked about here) made me this gorgeous cupcake specimen art.  It has pride of place in the center of our kitchen wall, and it still makes me smile every time I look at it.

Week 7.

Week 7 Left Side.  I included two Society6 prints this week.  Life is Breathtakingly Beautiful, because it is, and this Fairy Cake, because I was (and still am) seriously tempted to buy it.  I used Valentine subway art from eighteen25.  And I included a picture of a fantastic SLC Temple charm that Tyler got me for Valentine's Day. 

Week 7 Right Side.  Lincoln and I used to sit at the storm door watching for Tyler to get home from work, and we would sing Daddy's Homecoming, so I printed that out to include (you download PDFs of all the Children's Songbook here).
Then a shrine to monster trucks because Lincoln is obsessed.  I don't think you can tell, but in the lower left picture the boys are watching monster trucks on the portable DVD player.

Week 8. 

Week 8 Left Side.  Root canals suck.  But we got a new nephew and went to see Wicked, so that was a win for the week.

Week 8 Right Side.  A cut-out from the Wicked program.  I journaled about a girl emailing to send me a picture of a cake she made by following my directions for Lincoln's car cake; it made my day!  I included an Alabama print I made (which you can download here), a cape I made for Lincoln, and Girl Scout Cookies.  Yum.

Thanks for looking!

I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here


  1. I ♥ ♥ ♥ how you added in cute things each week like the "Only An Aunt" & how you had 3 cards going across to really make the "Mighty Mega Monster Trucks" stand out. I need to venture out of just Design A & C. :)

  2. Great job! I think it is fantastic that you decided to start PL, even if it wasn't at the beginning of the year. Love all the extras you added in. I really loved Wicked!! One of my faves!

  3. Your pages are great! I'm so impressed that your able to catch up. Fabulous!
