
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Right Now

Does anyone else get a ton accomplished every week but have nothing to show for it on your blog?  I've been working steadily on my 32 by Thirty-Two list and my Project Life album, and you'd never know it from the lack of blog posts.  Le sigh.  I'll post those updates soon.  In the meantime, here's what's going on these days:

freezing at my desk all day.

watching a lot of season premieres this week.

savoring every second of family time I can steal.

laughing about the bedtime stalling tactics Lincoln (3 years) comes up with.

planning our Halloween costumes for this year.  (Hint: Avengers, assemble!)

loving the cooler weather.

thinking it's almost time for white chocolate covered everything.

realizing that Christmas is less than 3 months away.

making a list of projects to accomplish before we can list our house.

believing I'm blessed beyond measure.

training for our half-marathon in April.

feeling the quilting bug again.

counting down the days until we leave for our anniversary cruise in January.


What are you up to these days?


  1. Great post! I understand what you mean about busy all week but nothing to show for it.

  2. LOL. my hubs would agree with your "chocolate covered anything"! Yes, I feel the same, busy days and tons of craft projects completed and not posting a lick of it. I might one day-- Best wishes on your endeavors.
