
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project Life Weeks 13 - 16

I have a fantastic excuse for my extremely long break since my last PL post.  We took two quick trips in the space of two weeks AND Mason turned 1, so this kind of took back burner for a while.  I've still been working on it, but blogging about it is another story.

Speaking of blogging about my PL album, I realized something about that today as I was uploading these pictures.  I'm going to stop apologizing for my album.  I'm going to stop apologizing when I have things that still need to be added or changed.  I'm going to stop apologizing that my pictures aren't as great as I would like.  I like to share my pages.   I like to share because I think I've had some good ideas, and I think I've borrowed some great ideas from others.  BUT I also like to be able to see my pages from a fresh perspective.  And looking at my album on my blog helps me kind of switch gears and better see how to approach the changes I'd still like to make.  And I love to get feedback to help that effort as well.  OK, end of ah-ha moment; if you're still reading this and haven't already jumped to the pictures, bless you, my child.  But now let's get to the pictures... 

Week 13 Full Spread.

Week 13 Left Side.  As you can see, this is the first week in the album after I decided to start Project Life for the year.  I am LOVING picframe!  That collage of Lincoln taking photobooth pictures during church cracks me up.  And I love the Rice & Veggies collage in the bottom left corner.  It's a meal we make a LOT, so I decided to include it in the album. 

Week 13 Right Side.  I loved this idea to include the current food staples and decided to include drink staples as well.   Aside from that, this is one of those pages that needs some TLC.  Ha!  Moving on...

Week 14 Full Spread.

Week 14 Left Side.  I loved all the free printables from General Conference and wanted to include some of those (which I found here).  I also thought the Ridiculously Photogenic Guy meme was hilarious and thought I'd use that as a filler of sorts.  I also included most of my blog post about my friend Natalie passing away.

Week 14 Right Side.  When I took Mason to the doctor, I wrote a list of all his symptoms.  So I folded it up, put a tab on it, and put it behind the journaling card.  I also decided to embrace the fun of a girl's day and Easter Weekend by ignoring my points.  And I hit 100,000 miles in my car!

Week 15 Full Spread.

Week 15 Left Side.  I used the Easter subway art from Over the Big Moon and printed the ecard from here.  And how cute are my boys with their cousins??  I love how Mason and James are looking at each other and Lincoln is the only one saying "Cheese!"

Week 15 Right Side.  More picframe.  I love how it lets you tell more of the story.  And more journaling with clker clipart.  Screenshot of the weather.  I may or may not add journaling about how erratic the weather was that week.  And a picture of Mason with his teether biscuit that looks a little like a cigar (recipe here).

Week 16 Full Spread.

Week 16 Left Side.  I think I need to move some things around on this page.  Aside from that, I wish I could fill up my gas tank for only $48.51 again!

Week 16 Right Side.  Lots of swingset pictures, and Lincoln on a horse!  It was his first time, and he loved it.  The printable came from here.  And Tyler and I had a date night, so I decided to cut down the box since we usually toss it and just keep the hard case.

Whew!  Thanks for looking!  4 more weeks down.   I think I'm going to stop thinking of Project Life updates as only Tuesday things until I'm all caught up.  I can bust 'em all out in a week, right?  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)


  1. Great catch up of your weeks.thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. I love all your quote cards thru out the layouts - especially the one about not "falling" off the wagon for dieting ... made me smile! Keep up the good work!
