
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Project Life | Weeks 5 - 8 + Freebie!

I can't believe it's practically March.  This month really has flown by; how do I have 4 weeks to post!?  I'm loving my album this year.  So glad I decided to try not rounding the corners.  And I'm loving some of the techniques I'm making an effort to include from some of my PL idols.  I'm trying harder to leave space for simple patterned filler cards.  I'm minimizing the number of fonts I use.  I'm journaling with colored backgrounds and white text rather than always on white cards with black text.  I'm trying to include at least one b&w picture each week.  I kind of want to go back to my 2012 album and redo some of it, but I need to resist that urge.

Week 5 Full Spread.

Week 5 Left Side.  Lincoln's birthday was on Monday, so this entire side is about that.  How does the picture of him in his spiderman costume relate, you ask?  Why, because that's what he wore to the babysitter's on his birthday.  I blogged about his cake here, if you're curious.

Week 5 Right Side.  My birthday was the following Sunday, and Tyler and I went out to dinner on Friday.  And since I was looking forward to that all week long, it got quite a bit of space in my spread.   I might replace that green glitter filler card; it looks kind of out of place this week.

Week 6 Full Spread.

Week 6 Left Side.  I was pretty thrilled about my birthday cake, which you can read more about here.  Lincoln was sick Sunday night and Monday morning Mason crawled into bed with him to try to give him his sippy cup.  Adorbs.  And I'm not sure you can tell, but the selfie was an attempt to take a picture of my eyes when they were dilated.

Week 6 Right Side.  Journaling and pictures.  Cute kids, right?  Mason started walking this week!  Not just 3 steps, he switched from predominantly crawling to predominantly walking in about a day.  And how funny is Lincoln in Mason's high-chair?  We don't even use the tray for Mason any more, but Lincoln wanted to eat dinner there.  A little jealous of the baby, perhaps?

Week 7 Full Spread.

Week 7 Left Side.  Isn't that sunset amazing?  The picture doesn't really do it justice.  And I was inspired by Catherine Davis's silhouette card which she made for the Queen's diamond jubilee last year to make one to mention the Pope announcing his retirement.  We aren't Catholic, but it's still pretty big news.  Feel free to grab it if you'd like to use it as well.

 (click to enlarge, then right-click and save)

Week 7 Right Side.  I saw this idea to use ribbon as a pull-out tab, and decided to use that to include Grandma Dewitt's obituary.  You can see below how it pulls out and opens.  I just printed the obituary and folded it, then glued it to the pink card.  And those are grapes as the wheels on Lincoln's apple cars, not olives.  They look a little questionable, but they were a huge hit.  I blogged about my charm bracelet this week, so I decided to include it as well. 

Week 8 Full Spread.

Week 8 Left Side.  I finally ordered some Seafoam cardstock, and thought it was perfect for the spread this week.

Week 8 Right Side.  I texted that picture to Tyler and he posted it on facebook with that caption.  I loved it, so I did a screen grab and printed it out to caption the picture in the album.  It's also notable that Mason has learned to climb onto the couch.  

Thanks for looking!  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)


  1. You guys totally look younger than you did in 2010 - and your hubby looks way thinner too. Happy belated birthday :)

  2. Love the color in your spreads, very complimentary without being unbearably matchy-matchy :) I also planned to include a silhouette of the Pope to record his resignation, but I couldn't find a good profile photo to PS into a silhouette, you did a great job with that card. I love the #siblingrivalry hashtag card, and your son's birthday spread. My son turns 1 in early April and just today I started mulling over how I'm going to document this milestone in PL so this was a perfect day to see this :)

    1. Thank you so much, Kelsey! I have a tough time knowing how to document birthdays, but I think I may have hit my stride with this one. :)

  3. You are starting to convince me that project life would be fun. I just don't have time to put into it right now, but I may have to start next year. :) I'll enjoy looking at your pages in the mean time. It's funny seeing your oldest in a high chair! My son is 9 months, and the other day he wanted to get in the bouncer and it was hilarious! He looked like a giant. It's crazy to see how much they've grown.

  4. Inspired me to put in a tv photo in my layout too I've been loving Elementary and American Idol.

  5. Squared-off corners look great here! Thanks for sharing some of the techniques you're trying, it's a great way to spread inspiration. I really like the white text on colored background, I'm going to have to give that a try. I'm doing my PL digital, so it can be very hard to tell if something will be legible or not once it is finally printed at the end of the year. I'll have to play around with that one. That birthday cake is stunning!

  6. Love the squared off corners. Your spreads look great!
    I'm very sorry for your loss. I really love the way you included her obituary.
    Thanks for the silhouette card. It's really a fascinating piece of history to include in our books!
