
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Project Life | Weeks 9 &10

My colors are a little wonky this week.  I took pictures of my album a little too early for optimum light.  But with the time change, I'd have to be an extra hour late to work to get it much better.  Also I had two little helpers, and I think one of them turned on the overhead light for me.

Week 9 Full Spread.

Week 9 Left Side.  Nothing profound.  I made the silhouette of the Oscar in Word.  I saw some cute freebies online, but none of them was as simple as I wanted.  Then cute pictures of the boys, and a text I sent Tyler.  If you can't read it, I said, "I just got ma'am'ed by a kid who looked to be at least 20.  I feel old."  Then at the bottom I added the note: "Yes, I know that calling him "kid" pretty much proves him right.  Sigh."  In my defense, I refer to women a good 15 years older than me as "this girl in my bodypump class."

Week 9 Right Side.  Not a lot of pictures this week.  We were all sick.  But Tyler and I still got out for our long training runs on Saturday.  I made the HELLO print in Word, it's just a yellow 3" x 4" text box with HELLO in the middle.  I think the font is Bebas.

Week 10 Full Spread.

Week 10 Left Side.  The vintage camera printable is a mini-poster freebie from Brooklyn Limestone.  I just cropped it and mounted it on scrapbooking paper.  I made the TRUE STORY print when I made the HELLO print in Week 9.  The little text box card is one I drew up in Word.  I'm thinking about offering a freebie, so let me know if you're interested.

Week 10 Right Side.  Spamalot on Friday and Lincoln's first soccer practice on Saturday.  Also my FIL came over to watch the boys Saturday morning so that Tyler and I could do our 9-mile long run together.  The wonky colors kind of mess up the "You're Beautiful" printable.  It's actually blue, rather than black.  I got the blue and orange straight from the Auburn website.  It's a print inspired by this one, but after I made it, I wasn't sure what to do with it.  So into the album it went.

Thanks for looking!  You can check out my other Project Life pages here.

(I'll be linking up to Project Life Tuesday at The Mom Creative. And for more information on Project Life, click here.)


  1. Love Love Love your pages this week Kelli... I know this sounds silly but they look very designerly this week and I love them. I got called The dreaded M word too recently I did Not like it either.

  2. I love your layouts, and the moments you capture. Awesome.
